QuickFill by BB December 2004 If you have a need to respond to hundreds of emails every day then you'll love this tool. QuickFill by BB is specifically designed to copy your standard templates onto the clipboard so you can quickly paste them into emails, documents and forms. Just (1) prepare templates as text files, (2) give a distinguishing name, and (3) drop them into the Templates folder. When you run QuickFill by BB they will automatically appear in the drop down combo box. Select a template then click the COPY button to copy it to the clipboard then paste it into your document. Also access your commonly used Snippets... like signatures, addresses or disclaimers from the right click menu. They are then copied to the clipboard for easy paste. The QuickFill interface is a tiny red title bar set 'always-on-top' requiring minimum screen space. Double click the title bar and it reduces even smaller for idle. One button lets the contents of the combo box text to be copied to the clipboard, the other closes the program. TRUE FREEWARE This program is copyright of Bernie Madigan, Sydney Australia, but may be freely distributed, published on any media and uploaded to any web site without seeking permission, provided none of the files are altered or deleted. I make dogkennels for a living, but I write software for relaxation and applause... that is why it is free. This is a FREE full working version with no Adware or Spyware which requires just one Visual Basic 6 runtime library (Msvbvm60.dll) to already be on your system. INSTALL/UNINSTALL INFORMATION Installation is done by extracting the program files into a folder of your choice. There are no run-time libraries included in the zip but you computer is automatically checked for their presence before Start Menu shortcuts are made. A log of any shortcuts created is in Instal.log in the program folder. To uninstall the program, just delete its folder and all the files within it, and any shortcuts on the Start Menu or Desktop... or use the uninstaller provided. DOG KENNELS If you're in Sydney, Australia and you're in the market for a Super Long Life Timber Dog Kennel visit my site at www.dogkennels.net.au for great kennels from Weathertex (building grade) hardboard sheet. Thanks for participating, regards Bernie Madigan (BB®) bernie@testrun.cjb.net